How to use red color for health

Red color is generally used for improving overall health. It represent vigor, vitality and strength. It's the energy that help our life to be moving, and exloring new opertunities. A person with high level of red energy will see oppertunity in adversities. His josh will always be high. This type of person will never sit quietly or allow others stay inactive.
Properties of Red color
Red color posses properties of fire. Fire never goes downwards. It is always rises upwards from base. So it the quality that red color gives you. It is the power of upward movement. Being Hotness energy it is used to treat all disases that have root in cold energy. Deficient yang can be treated successfully with red color. In human body it resides in the Heart.
When use Red color
Red color can be used for a lot of symptoms, where yang energy is declining or yin energy is rising. Red color is effective in common cold, anaemia, infection, sores, depression, all phobias, paralysis, diabetes, Solitude, Generall or Specific weakness, inability of free movement in any part, stammering, lack of consideration, dis-hope. Please note, in case of some people reported that organ don't reponds, in such case please remember, it is not the organ that is not responding but it is the energy that is not reaching the organ. So first break the ying cloud, so that energy can be showered onto the organ, then you'll get a response from the paralyzed organ.
Red color in Daily life
In many cultures usage of color became a part of live. Particularly, in India people saw colors with different vision of health rather than decoration. In India people celebrate a festival of colors called Holi. Also La Tomatina, I forget name of country is festival of red. Red color is applied on hands and feet in India since ages.
Red color in daily food
A food is red because of presence of phytonutrients, lycopene or anthocyanin.
Red fruits and vegetables protect our hearts. Red color in most fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension and high cholesterol. They also lower the risk of developing different types of cancer, including prostate cancer and protect against heart diseases and improve brain function. Red Apples, Blood Oranges, Cherries, Cranberries, Red Grapes, Red Grapefruit, Pomegranates, Raspberries, Strawberries, Watermelon, Beets, Red Peppers, Radishes, Radicchio, Red Onions, Red Potatoes, Rhubarb, Tomatoes are a few food items which you can use to replenish red color in your body.
Red color in Vastu
Vastu Shashtr has plenty of information on colors. According to Vastu Red symbolises lust, passion, materialism and other base energies, as well as being associated with fire. It provides activity, energy and will power. Rosy red or pink shades can be used in the bedroom as they symbolize deep love. Pink is an ideal colour for newlyweds, and should especially be used by couples wishing to conceive. People who are generally irritable or couples facing conflict in their relationship can also benefit by this colour. Deep or dark red shades signify anger and should not be used in bedrooms.
Red color in Astrology
Astrology provide relief from disease using color therapy impliedly. When an astrologer ask you to ruby, he is giving you red energy. Saphire gem is used to invoke blue energy. These gems, not stones, absorbs respective energy from sunlight and transers into your body by skin contact.
Red color charged water
You can easily make color charged water at home and get rid of general ailments. Just fill 1/3 water in the color pyramid, and drink it in morning empty stomach. Don't eat anything for 1 hour after dinking water. This way you can get the benefits of color.
Red color charged oil
A red color charged oil is available for Rheumatoid arthritis, joint problems, aenimia, congested chest, general weaknes. A blue coloe charged water is available for Depression, Common Headache, Immunity, clear eye vision, memory improvement, tired muscles, sores, glowing skin, acne etc.
Red color through direct sunlight
In direct normal sunlight you can use colored glass sheets to expose the target organ. You can also do it moonlight. But that will be decided by your therapist only.
Always use natural colors for treatments. You can use normal sketch pen for color therapy. But those color pen must be certified toxin free. And ink should be bright.