How to use black color for health

Black color is generally used for purity oneness. It represent stability, purity and oneness. It's the energy that leads our life to be extremely focused into ourself, and ignoring outside. A person with high level of black energy will see mystic oppertunity in any event, that will not be conceivably by any means. To take an example, a person with high black energy, just tell you to bet on horse number 22. And you'll see that horse winning. His determination will always always come true.
Properties of Blacks color
Black color posses properties of void. It resembes outer space, existing but not existing or not explorable. The deeper you go, more deeper you find it. It never fills up.
When use Black color
Black color is used when you need to feel in the blanks. In life, there are many problems that rises out of shocks, emotional trauma. In those cases not to treat but to make patient treatable you may use black color. First give the patient a ground to stand on, use black color. Many people use black color color for coldness that should be avoided. Black color is not a substitue of Blue color.
Black color in Daily life
Black color brings a stability in life. That why black colored suit has been a first preference of business tycoons and corporate houses. It first brings stability in your thoughts and secondly if absorbs the stability of other person. Do you ever thought why the most verbal fighters, ie lawyers wear a full long black cloack. Yes, think over it.
Black color in daily food
Black pepper, Black grapes, Black sesame, Blackberry, Black Olives, Black Tea all boost up energy.
Black color in Vastu
As an advice, you must not black color your homes.
Black color in Astrology
Black haqiq and black lehsunia are believed to be associated with rahu. And can safegaurd you against bad time or evil eye.
Black color charged water
You can easily make color charged water at home and get rid of general ailments. Just fill 1/3 water in the color pyramid, and drink it in morning empty stomach. Don't eat anything for 1 hour after dinking water. This way you can get the benefits of color.
Black color charged oil
A black color charged oil is available for mental problems.
Black color through direct sunlight
In direct normal sunlight you can use colored glass sheets to expose the target organ. You can also do it moonlight. But that will be decided by your therapist only.
Always use natural colors for treatments. You can use normal sketch pen for color therapy. But those color pen must be certified toxin free. And ink should be bright.