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Health with Color

Color Therapy India

Welcome at Color Therapy India's official website. This website aims at the color therapy. This website will help you understand, how colors can help us to improve our health. What is role of colors in maintaining a healthy life.

The Secrets of Color Therapy

So, you may ask what are the secrets of color therapy. I'd say, none are there. Then, you may ask How color therapy heals human body? The answer is simple, You're already in color therapy. This system is created by the God and brought to light by ancient sanatan sages. Recall your childhood, the black color was automatically fearing for many of us. Sometimes you feel depressed, without any menifesting reason, when you're excessively exposed to particular color. White color is soothing by nature.

What is this all? Doesn't this exhibits that the colors do affect our life.

Why Color Therapy?

You should use color therapy to improve your health because, it's effective and because it's simple. It has simple mantra, instead of fighting against the ailment, the color therapy empowers the diseased organ. And the empowered organ fights back with the ailment and wins. Because the organ already has the blueprint of the ailment.

Red Color

Red color is for vigor and power. Energy is at its highest in this color. This color warms up the body. Red color is particularly useful is the origin of the disease is lower yand or lower heat or excess cold energy.

Red Color for Health

Blue Color

The blue color symbolizes the cold energy. It has contracting characterstics. This energy provides us peace and help to reduce anger. This color leads to easy meditation. For any disease that originate from hot energy, blue color is used. It is useful for lower ying, lower cold energy or excess hot energy.

Blue Color for Health

Green Color

Green color has no effect, except it's dispersing. In this form it symbolizes the Wind. And the wind is neither Hot nor Cold. Under the Hot sun the wind feels hot while under moon it is cool. So which energy is wind? Wind respresent Green. And just like wind it just moves an energy from one to another. Thus it balances, if used carefully the Green color sets an equilibrium of Hot and Cold energies. This color needs to be used wisely as it has no characterstics of its own. And as such, it can be confusing how to use green color.

Green Color for Health

Black Color

Black color is submission, period. Nothing represent black color. It's submissive energy. Nothing can escape black color, and surprisingly every color born out of black color. Or every color exists in black color. Some people associate it with cold energy, yes it is. But remember it is Dark so use it accordingly, while we have Bright Cold Engery in Blue Color. Why should you use Dark Energy unless, you know what you are doing.

Black Color for Health

Added benefits of yogic chakras

Color therapy encompasses the goodness of yoga. As each yogic chakra is associated with a particular color. Color therapy can help to balance these chakras.

As per ancient sanatan sages, chakras are the energy centers in our body that controls the flow of pranic energy. Balancing these chakras also balances the levels of energy.

A balanced chakra system brings prosperity in the life, because if you look closely, then your frustrations, agonies, and sufferings are not because of your circumstances, but because of the responses given by your mind. And a healthy mind with better response makes your daily life healthy and conscious.

Energy is menifested through colors by vibration

Colors are vibration. The vibration of eternal energy. And this energy is created in the cosmic dance of Shiv and in turn Shiv is formed out of Shakti (energy). The Shakti (energy) is eternal while Shiv is visible and invisible in the energy, but shiv too is eternal. Energy however never visible in any form. All the form are of Shiva with more or less energy. There is nothing that is energyless. You may find something without Shiv but nothing is without Shakti, or energy.

The velocity and the strength of the vibration caused by cosmic dance of Shiva is the reason, that you see a color, blue or red or whatever. And that energy, the Shakti, is absorbed by the shakti present in the organ. The responsive color is applied on the correspondance. It then generates specific vibrations which matches the vibration of missing energy of sick organ. Hence the reduced energy regains and make the organ healthy again. An healthy organ win the ailment fastly. Because it's nature of the organ to remain disease less. And the organ just receives its nature, the Savbhav, which it diseaseless.

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How does Color Therapy works?

Learn the logic behind color therapy
A color is a bridge between the energy within us and the energy around us. You can think of color as a sim card. Your mobile phone is well built and there are full signals in the air from SIM provider. But you can not make much out of your phone as it is. But as soon as you insert a SIM card into your phone, you can make full use of it. Simillarly there is energy everywhere, but you can't heal by mere presence of it around you. You need a medium, there are many mediums and color therapy is one of them. Remember ancient sanatani sage, have mentioned the ways of using anything as a medium, whether be it touch or speech.

I color therapy safe for you? then please first be known that you're already getting it, and it is essential for life. Or, rather I'd say that the color therapy is synonymous of life. When you expose to sun light, you know or, you're getting color therapy. The Greatest Healer of Universe, it daily giving you color therapy so you feel more active during day time. Even in night you're getting color therapy doses in ascending and then descending pattern via moon.

Is color therapy safe for me?

You are already getting color therapy

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Always fearing child

Male, 10 years

Red Color on spine correspondence 4 Days a week

Methidana strip on spine correspondence 3 Days a week

Tone K1, Tone K21

Massaged Agya charkra with thumb

1/2 Tablespoonful Anand Haradyam with Hot Cow Milk

8 Months Routine

1 Years passed, no complained. Scored highest marks in class

Chronic Cough

Male, 24 years

Red Color on lungs correspondence

Tone Li1, Tone Ub13

1/2 Tablespoonful Anand Hardrika with Hot Cow Milk

3 Week Routine

5 Years passed, no cough problem so far

Chronic Depression

Female, 32 years

Blue Color on head correspondence

Massaged Pc6, Tone Li4

Anand Dhayan for 15 to 30 min. in early morning

1/2 Tablespoonful Anand Gulkand with Cow Milk

2 Month Routine

10 Years passed, enjoying happy married life

Chronic Weakness

Male, 26 years

Red Color on spine correspondence

Corrected vibration of first four chakras

1/4 Tablespoonful Anand Rasayan with Hot Cow Milk

6 Week Routine

After six months joined Gym

Always fearing child

Male, 10 years

Red Color on spine correspondence 4 Days a week

Methidana strip on spine correspondence 3 Days a week

Tone K1, Tone K21

Massaged Agya charkra with thumb

1/2 Tablespoonful Anand Haradyam with Hot Cow Milk

8 Months Routine

1 Years passed, no complained. Scored highest marks in class

Benefits of Color Therapy

No Pills to Swallow

Color therapy do not need you to swallow pill. This therapy works directly with the diseased organ and help it fight back.

Works Naturally

Color therapy works exactly as an ecosystem of human body. Insted of attacking on the disease it improves the atman shakti of diseased organ so that the organ can recover.

Heals Internally

All of color therapy is geared towards inside. A disease can be multifacet but the organ knows it fully. And have a bueprint of how it can defeat the disease.

Permanent Solution

Once organ regain its atman shakti, it actually becomes invincible to the attacks of the diseases.

No Side Effects

Yes, color therapy has no side effects. Actually color therapy is harm less when done by skilled person.

All content is provided as it is. It is for information purpose. You need not self medicate, it can cause even more problems. Nothing should be seen as a replacement of Alleopathy or any other Government recognised therapy. Only registed doctors are authorised to treat any medical condition. We are not registed doctors. Thank you, take care!

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