Color therapy and other therapies

All most all contemporary therapies or alternative therapies have their root in color therapy. You can get better results by using color therapy along with other therapies if you've got a good hold of your current treatment therapy. Even a good therapist will bad arrangemt of colors on the wall of her center can create distrubance among her patients. Color are so powerful that a planned color application even on walls can bring a satisfaction & relaxation among the people around.
Color therapy & other therapies

In acupuncture a point is punctured to balance the yin and yang energies, which can be done with blue color and red color in color therapy. All other therapies tend to either tone or sedate a particular point, whereas same results, if not better, can be achieved with proper use of colors.

Astrology completely relies on color. A ruby or red color gem is used to infuse red energy from sunlight. Whereas Saphire or blue gem is there to infuse cold energy in the body. While black haqiq has mysterious powers and generally used to cleanse the environment around you.

In yoga too color are working. Yoga has chakra system, and each chakra is associated with a color. For example, take root chakra the center of all carnal needs is associated with red color. Color therapy also associted red color with passion, enthusiasm, warmth, vigor etc.

All content is provided as it is. It is for information purpose. You need not self medicate, it can cause even more problems. Nothing should be seen as a replacement of Alleopathy or any other Government recognised therapy. Only registed doctors are authorised to treat any medical condition. We are not registed doctors. Thank you, take care!

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