All ablout color therapy

We are made of colors. Hair are black, Eye are blue, black and white background. Blood is red. Impure blood being blue. Color are around us, the sky is blue, white, black clouds. Trees have color, grass is green, sun red while moon is pure white silky. Where colors aren't? You can't escape colors. Even we use color to reflect our emotion, like black intentions or red handed.
Color exists every where

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy

It is to note color doesn't mean simple pen color, but also mean color light. This therapy was invented by ancient sanatan sages. This therapy is documented in the Mahabharat by rishi Vyas. When Samb, the son of Shrikrishna, was infected with leprosy, he was treated by color therapy. They made use of sun-filled rooms with colored glasses for therapeutic purposes. Konark Mandir is proof of that treatment procedure.

The basis of color therapy is that different colors evoke different responses from every individual. People find specific colors therapeutic or stimulating. Experts who believe in this theory believe that color can positively impact us in several ways and help with a host of conditions.

In color therapy, different colors are thought to be able to treat various conditions. Color therapists believe that a lack of a particular color in your body might be responsible for your living condition. Here's a list of the most common colors used during color therapy and how we can use them.

Red: Red is used to energize or invigorate a person who might be feeling tired or down. However, red may also trigger people who might already be tense, which is why it’s used carefully in color therapy.

Blue: Chromatherapists use blue to treat depression and pain. Darker shades of blue are also thought to have sedative properties and may be helpful for people who experience insomnia or other sleeping disorders.

Green: Green is the color of nature, and according to chromatherapists, it can help relieve stress and relax a person.

Yellow: Yellow can be used to improve your mood and make you happy and optimistic.

Orange: Orange, much like yellow, can be used to elicit happy emotions from people. The bright warm color is also thought to be able to stimulate appetite and mental activity.

Over the decades, color therapy has been proven to have several benefits ranging from physical to mental. Some benefits that one might receive from color therapy include:
Stress relief: Certain colors like blue and green can have soothing effects on people who are stressed or anxious.
Boost your appetite: Warm and stimulating colors could boost your appetite when you struggle with having a desire for food.
Alleviate seasonal affective disorder: People mainly suffer from seasonal affective disorder during colder weather because of the lack of sunlight and having to spend longer periods indoors. Warm colors like yellow and orange could help to alleviate symptoms of this condition.
To boost your energy: Colors such as red and yellow have been proven to boost your energy and make you more motivated.

All content is provided as it is. It is for information purpose. You need not self medicate, it can cause even more problems. Nothing should be seen as a replacement of Alleopathy or any other Government recognised therapy. Only registed doctors are authorised to treat any medical condition. We are not registed doctors. Thank you, take care!

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